Sleep is what we need to survive. Our bodies and our minds need rest. A topic that piqued my interest is Lucid Dreaming. Lucid dreaming is a process where you are aware you are dreaming and take control of the dream. Many people try to discredit it as a new age “trend” and say it’s not possible, however, there are research studies that prove Lucid Dreaming is possible. People who can lucid dream are in REM Sleep and one study shows how EGG tracked their eye movements. Some people have trained themselves to do it, it can happen at random for some people. After doing more research, I found a whole foundation called The Lucid Art Foundation. Founded in 1998, this foundation supports artists whose work is dedicated to consciousness. One of their exhibits was titled “The Colour of My Dreams”, a series of surrealist art featuring paintings, sculptures, and film. On the website, it states that this exhibits “…The exhibition provided a stunning overview of one of most important movements of the 20th century and features a number of signature works by more than 80 artists including Dali’s “Lobster Telephone”, Ernst’s “The Forest”, Miró’s Photo “This is the Colour of My Dreams”, Giacometti’s “Spoon Woman”, Carrington’s “The House Opposite” and Man Ray’s “Emak-Bakia,” among many others. It will also reveal, for the first time, the Surrealists’ passionate interest in indigenous art of the Pacific Northwest and the little-known influence of early Hollywood cinema on the development of Surrealist film” (Vancouver Art Gallery).
For my project proposal, I believe I will make a digital art piece based on my personal interpretation of Lucid Dreaming. I plan on incorporating the patterns from the scans in my piece.
Gordon Onslow Ford Man on a Green Island Oil on canvas, 28 5/8” x 36”, 1939