x | 0 | 0.5 | 1 | 0 | 0.5 | 1 |
y | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
z | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Create Beam Sections
Square Cross Section
New Beam Section will be created.
Right click on property and select Card Edit.
Double click where it says ‘beamsec’ to select the cross section of the beam.
Select the beam cross section you previously created. The property will now refer to a beam with that specific cross section.
As you can see, the required properties will be filled in.
Create Beam Elements.
Set the property as the one that you previously created. This will give whatever elements you create next the cross section, Young’s Modulus, etc. that you defined in the previous steps.
Create elements by joining each pair of nodes as defined by the problem statement.
Add a Load Collector. Here you will establish supports and apply loads.
First create the hinges. Make sure to set the Card image to INITIAL_CONDITION.
Select constraints from the Analysis section.
Select constraints from the Analysis section.
Create constraints on the nodes defined by the problem statement. In this case the nodes are constrained in the x, y, and z axes which are represented by dof1, dof2, and dof3, respectively. Why didn’t they just call them x, y, and z axes you ask? I have no idea. Similarly, rotation in the x, y and z axes is defined by dof4, dof5, and dof6. In this case they should be unchecked, as the particular support type allows for free rotation in all directions.
You can see the supports you just created.
Now for the Loads. Add a new Load Collector. Set the card image to ‘none’. (I’m unsure whether this is necessary)
We are done with the building part of the problem. Now we have to establish the calculations we want done and the output we want generated. For this we go to Step Browser.
Create new Load Step.
NOTE: Remember to click Update every time you change a property. Your changes will not be saved otherwise as you go from tab to tab.
Set a title.
Check these boxes.