Student FAQ


What is the purpose of the Subject Pool?
The Subject Pool refers to a group (a “pool”) of students that participate in various research studies conducted by Psychology faculty each semester. The purpose of the Subject Pool is to give students an experience and appreciation of research methods used in Psychology.  Your participation in this research also enables Psychology faculty to collect data.

How do I sign up for experiments?

Go to and register as a new user if you have never used Sona Systems before.

I signed up for Sona Systems as a new user but have not received any log-in information yet. Why?
You likely didn’t receive your password because mail servers such as AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. might mistakenly reject Sona Systems mail as “spam”. This will be a problem for you because you will not receive the e-mails about your appointments or any cancellation notices. You need to set up and use your Stony Brook “Sparky” email account (and entert it in your Sona Systems profile).

Where do I get my Stony Brook e-mail account?
Setting up an SBU account is easy. Go to any SINC site on campus for help. Please notify the Research Coordinator once you have set up your Stony Brook e-mail address, and change it in Sona Systems.

How can I check my Stony Brook e-mail?
You can check your e-mail by using the following link:

I used registered on Sona Systems but I forgot my login information. How do I get this information?
You can do the “forgot password” option on the sign-in page. If this does not work, contact the subject pool coordinator for help with your account via e-mail at or via phone (631)632-7027.

I’ve forgotten the location and/or date of the study I signed up for.  How can I find out?
You can check your appointment times and locations on the Sona Systems website. Alternatively, you can stop by the Subject Pool office in Psych B 154, or call the Research Coordinator at (631)632-7027.

I showed up for an experiment and nobody is there. What do I do?
If you arrive for an experiment and nobody is there, check to make sure you have the right time. If you are late for your experiment, even by 5 minutes, the researcher might have left already. If you are on time, give it a few minutes. If the researcher has still not arrived after 15 minutes, contact them via e-mail to explain that you were there for a scheduled appointment. You will not be penalized for a researcher not showing up. You can only be penalized if you were late or missed an appointment.

How do I cancel an appointment that I made?
You can cancel an appointment on the Sona Systems website or by e-mailing the experimenter with whom you have the appointment. Do not call the subject pool coordinator to cancel appointments. Note: Canceling an appointment without 24 hours notice will cause a penalty to appear on your account. A penalty means that you will have to complete an extra experiment in order to meet your participation requirement.

How do I check whether I received credit for a study that I participated in?
You can check your credit balance on the Sona Systems website. It can take a little while for records to be updated, so please be patient.

I participated in an experiment and on the website it still says “awaiting action”. Why?
The “awaiting action” simply means that the experimenter has not gotten around to giving you the credit for your participation yet. Experimenters are usually very quick about issuing credits to students for their participation, but sometimes things can be delayed for a few hours or even days. If you are concerned about the pending credit, contact that experimenter directly via e-mail.

I participated in Mass Testing in my Psy.103 course, but I have not been given credit for it. Why?

Since Mass Testing is online, credit is only issued if you complete the study. If you exited the study without completing it, you will not get credit.

I am busy during the day and can only be on campus at night. How will I reach my participation requirement?
Experimenters are very accommodating when it comes to offering a variety of times in which students can participate in experiments. Search the Sona System listings for experiments that offer evening time slots. New time slots are added daily, so if you don’t see a time or day that works for you, check again the next day.

I missed the study I signed up for.  Can I sign up for it again?
If you signed up for a study and did not show up for it, you can sign up for a later session of that study if there is one scheduled. However, if you did not cancel your appointment 24 hours in advance, you may have accrued a penalty. Please be sure to cancel appointments 24 hours ahead