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Here are chances to get extra credits:
1. Matroid (Explain Definition 2.1, 2.1 An Example in Linear Algebra, and 2.2 An Example in Graph Theory)
2. Random graph (Explain the definitions of G(n,p) and G(n,m))
3. Hypergraph eigenvalue (Explain Definitions 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3)
4. Kneser Graph (Explain Section 1. KNESER GRAPHS)
5. Regulaity Lemma (Explain Theorem 1.7)

Highest teaching evaluation score: 5/5 (AMS 303 Graph Theory) (Spring 2022, 2023)

Spring 2024
AMS 301 (Finite Mathematical Structures)
AMS 210 (Applied Algebra)

Courses Taught
MAT 200 (Logic, Language and Proof): Every Fall Since 2020
AMS 151 (Applied Calculus I): Spring 2017, Fall 2017, 2018, 2019
AMS 210 (Applied Linear Algebra): Spring 2017
AMS 301 (Finite Mathematical Structures): Every Fall and Spring Since Fall 2017
AMS 303 (Graph Theory): Every Spring Since 2018