Student Posters

*Posters arranged by specific summer research program. 

Note: Posters will be added to the site following the symposium, and comments will remain active through August 15th.

INDEX of Poster Presentations


Data + Computing = Discovery


Explorations in STEM  – URECA

Frances Velay Women and Science Fellowship Program

iGEM* / International Genetically Engineered Machines Team – SBU 
(includes participants in Explorations in STEM, SUNY SOAR, URECA Summer)


Increasing Diversity in Undergraduate Cancer Biology Education and Research (INDUCER)

Laser Teaching Center


Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU): Chemistry

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU): Nanotechnology for Health, Energy & the Environment

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU): Physics & Astronomy

SUNY SOAR: Summer Opportunity for Academic Research

URECA-Chhabra Summer Fellowship