Music Rediscovered

Growing up, music has been something that I always looked at as an “expressive outlet.” Music, to me, is that one thing that can unite us together, all while being completely different individuals. Yet with all that power, I strongly believe that ones musical interest can tell you a lot about their personality.

In my final project I sought to take on a series that would artistically push me beyond my comfort zone. My main inspiration for this series came directly from my love for my family and dear friends. If 2020 has taught me anything, it’s that we take a lot of what we have for granted, human connection being one. Being in isolation had me realize the value of true friendships and led me to reflect on the memories that were made prior to quarantine. Similarly to Brandon Stanton, creator of Humans of New York, I wanted to capture the important people in my life and but add a creative twist by adding my interpretation of  their personality based on the music that they mainly listen to. Yet with such excitement, I felt that while doing portraiture, I wouldn’t be able to challenge myself artistically therefore,I decided to merge experimental photography with the concept of , Humans of New York and create a series called “Music Rediscovered.”





Still Have You


My Own Time


Take It Easy


Stayin’ Groovy


See Where It Goes


Chilling In Sam’s World


Fuck you <3


  • Stanton, Brandon. Humans of New York. Macmillan, 2015.
  • Miller, Madeline. The Song of Achilles. HarperCollins, 2012.
  • Frank, Alex. @Shotzbyalex. Photographer, 2020.
  • KAROCRAFTS. @karocrafts. Mixed Media, 2020