Brianna Cahill (Research Specialist) – I am interested in understanding the habitat use and spatial ecology of elasmobranchs using biotelemetry and analyzing community assemblages of benthic-dependent ecosystems in response to anthropogenic and environmental disturbances. For my master’s degree, I studied how semi-pelagic rays (cownose and whitespotted eagle rays) use marine habitats designated for hard clam aquaculture via passive acoustic telemetry and a controlled mesocosm experiment. Additionally, as a side component of my thesis, I analyzed the diet of whitespotted eagle rays using non-lethal techniques like DNA barcoding of stomach contents and stable isotope analysis of various tissue types. Here in the Marine Community Ecology Lab, I assist with the large-scale tagging efforts, receiver servicing, and data management of the acoustic telemetry receiver array around Long Island.
I am originally from Rochester, NY, and received a B.S. in Marine Science with a minor in Coastal Environmental Science from Stony Brook University in 2017. While conducting my undergraduate studies, I began my research involvement in the Peterson Lab! In 2021, I completed my master’s degree at Florida Atlantic University’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute. When I’m not in the lab or assisting with fieldwork, I enjoy scuba diving, snowboarding, reading, and taking care of my plant collection!