The Experimental Self


ARS 491/570 Student Exhibition

Instructor: Lorena Salcedo-Watson


ARS 491, Experimental Printmaking, encourages students to delve deeper into what inspires them and to find new and exciting ways to communicate their ideas. The Experimental Self is an exhibition that tackles themes of identity, spirituality, and growth. Finding expression through a spirit animal, dealing with life changes, reclaiming one’s identity, or revealing a defining individual experience are all things that shape us as human beings and encourage us to grow and change. The Experimental Self is a celebration of our ability to exist in different stages of life, yet still being able to relate and empathize with one another. This exhibition hopes to inspire it’s viewers to look inward and reflect on who you are, where you come from, and where you’re going.

Featuring a variety of different printmaking techniques such as relief, intaglio, woodcarving, and lithography, artists Fiona Agababian, Liana Cubells, Jack D’Ambrosio, Kristin Hess, Tamara Idr, Daniel Ryan, and Katie Wang push the limits of printmaking to each create a triptych that discusses aspects of their identity and self. All Stony Brook students of various majors and years, all seven artists found a likeness among their experiences, demonstrating a commonality between strangers from all walks of life. 


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