
Project Description

  • Project Title:

Therapeutic Graffiti

  • Brief Description:

The project is about using graffiti as a way to help patients and people with stress and other mind related problems. The person will be able to stand in front of a sensor machine like the Kinect and virtually paint. The person will paint by moving their arms back and forth in the air.

The instinct that motivates some people to fierceness is the identical instincts that drive the illustrator to illustrate.

Some psychologists consider aggression as a positive force but it can only happen when the impulse is channeled properly. Art therapies help one to express frustrations, annoyances, and weaknesses even when the individual doesn’t want to talk about it.

  • Target Audience

Age range: 16+

General educational level: Not required

Computer/technology literacy: Individuals could easily move their arms back and forth

Technology access: Sensor machine

Occupation: Any

Environment: therapy center

Socioeconomic group: Any

Gender, Race, or Ethnic group if applicable: Any

Language (specific terminology as well): Not required

Special needs (disabilities): Individuals with mental illness

Cultural preferences: None

Client or Collaborator:

Contact information:

Organization’s website:

  • Similar/competitive products in the genre:

Psychological therapy: In most psychological therapies a psychologist or a doctor usually talk to a person and ask them about their symptoms and then treat their patient accordingly but this technique quite old to be considered a major competitor for this newly designed psychological testing machine.

Medication: Medication usually helps people to overcome their mental illness for a while but these medications also have side effects which could result into a long-term dependency of an individual on medications other than that he would suffer from a swear depression. Studies have shown that mental illness is linked to the variations in our brain chemistry and those chemicals can be balanced through these medications.

Community support programs: These kind of programs are very important for curing mental illness. This care includes information, lodgings, help to find appropriate work, physical activity and learning, psychosocial reintegration and communal care groups. Accepting and recognition by the public is also important.

Schizophrenia and Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): this therapy is used to treat severe depression. At times, they also use it to cure other psychological illnesses like schizophrenia. ECT is among the fastest and supreme operative ways to discharge symptoms in rigorously unhappy or suicidal people or individuals who have an obsession or other psychological illnesses. A short-term memorial loss is a major issue an individual faces during this therapy that usually goes away in a limited time after therapy ends.

DBS: the process targets a minor structure of a brain known as Area 25, the area of the brain that switches our moods. A research has shown that this part of the brain showed is comparatively overactive in miserable patients.

Our approach is comparatively less expensive and more reliable that wouldn’t affect the nervous system of an individual but such type of programs help for mental exercise and leave a positive impact on patients mind that is way better than electronic treatments and medications. These types of programs are also easy to perform an individual feels comfortable in drawing rather than talking about what he or she feels.

  • Full Description:

Task Analysis (needs, desired outcomes):

For an individual to perform daily tasks with a healthy mind, for example, spending time with family, office work, decision making, driving, taking part in healthy activities and other multiple issues one faces in his daily routine. The purpose of this project is to spread awareness related mental disorders at a relatively low price and in a positive way. It mainly focuses on the individuals facing bipolar disorder or other serious mental illnesses.

Use model (environment, workflow):

It is a sensor machine that will notice the hand gestures of an individual and analyzing the issues he or she is facing that cause mental illness.


An individual will have to do graffiti on that machine without having to talk about his issues. Ease of our customer is the top priority of this project.

A repertoire of functionality:

The person will paint by moving their arms back and forth in the air.

Distribution and dissemination:

A war situation or constant mental pressure would result in a swear depression that is chronic for individuals mind. In some cases, individuals attempt suicides or become completely dependent upon medications which makes them drug addict. To overcome these types of issues this machine has been invented so that the doctors could read patient’s mind easily by just graffiti.

Business model: the product would be given to an authorized individual such as psychologists etc. on a single payment

Support (user help, updates): Newer models can be made but no updates will be offered to the previous model.