


Name: Paton Blough

Age: 38

Location: Queens, New York

Job Title: Businessman

Technical comfort: Advanced

Backstory/Motivation: Paton was arrested 3 times and experienced high manic attacks every 6 months and severe depression that he even wanted to end his life. When he got out of the jail he had graffiti therapy because of severe depression he couldn’t explain his situations to therapists verbally. The project is about using graffiti as a way to help patients and people with stress and other mind related problems. The person will be able to stand in front of a sensor machine. The person will paint by moving their arms back and forth in the air. He tried out this therapy and experienced positive results and he also wants to spread awareness regarding these type of therapies especially for those who are facing serious depression and panic attacks.

Frustrations: The major setback at the moment is that Paton has to go through these therapies once a week and being a businessman he travels more often and because of that he usually misses his therapy sessions and also the machine is not portable that could be carried out anywhere and results could be sent to the therapists through email etc.

Their ideal experience: Paton has noticed a major change in his behavior in a positive way and he is happy to take these sessions.

“I’m excited about the growth of this project”

Name: Rodney Smith

Age: 26

Location: New York

Job Title: Artist

Technical comfort: Advanced

Backstory/Motivation: Rodney had faced serious bipolar attacks when he was in his teenage. His uncle gave him suggestion to take this test and try to overcome this problem for the rest of his life

Frustrations: The major setback at the moment is that he usually misses his sessional for work-related problems although he is happy with this therapy.

Name: Jennifer

Age: 24

Location: New Jersey

Job Title: software engineer

Technical comfort: Advanced

Backstory/Motivation: Jennifer wants to quit her job because of mental illness and laziness but her colleague suggested her to take this therapy and decide afterward whether to quit or continue with this job and he experienced positive results and is still working for the same firm.

Frustrations: she admits that she is lazy and because of that she faces problems at the job but the therapy is polishing her view to improving her livings through hard work.

Their ideal experience: she is quite satisfied with this experience and wants to continue her session until she gets even more positive results.