Short Assignment- Color portraits

Hello everyone! The following color portraits are based on my interview with Damon and Xinyi. Thank you so much, I hope you enjoy it 🙂

Damion: Can food feel blue?

“I feel certain ways about color, I like blue objects, blue walls, my phone case. I like owning things that are blue. I don’t like blue things to eat. I find orange and yellow food more appealing, warmer colors to eat  (associate with food more). The Color red is ehhhh. I think I like blue objects but not food-wise.”

Xinyi: To be a kitten

I think color can really affect people’s emotions and feelings. I really like light colors: sky blue and grass green. It makes me feel relaxed and forget annoying things in real life. Warm tones make me feel connected to family things. Cool tone makes me feel relax, relieves my emotions from stress.”