My midterm project is meant to address the problems caused by the burning of fossil fuels and non-sanitary disposal of waste. My pieces focus not on the global issue but on the smaller-scale, micro effects of these damaging practices and how it is not impossible to make a difference. It is not impossible to make changes that will lead us to a more environmentally friendly and healthy state.

My first piece depicts a town that has been consumed by the by-products of a nearby factory. Smog created by the factory smokestacks limits eyesight and effects the quality of air, and pollution lines the streets. Some areas of Earth do currently look similar to this but this is where we are all headed if each individual doesn’t decide to make a more conscious effort to conserve.

My second piece shows a billboard in a scene much like the first. This billboard shows an advertisement from a company dedicated to making these healthy changes such as switching to less damaging, more efficient sources of power and fuel. It also shows a crowd of people noticing this sign and rallying behind it, giving them hope for a better future.

My third piece starts as a city overcome with pollution. Over time as changes are made such as removing the factory and garbage, planting trees, and creating wind farms, the environmental state of the city improves drastically. The end of the gif is meant to show that in the future. if such changes are made, our quality of life, as well as our planet, will be better off.