
f/6.3 1/50s ISO 3200 18-55@35mm

Time to Go

f/6.3 1/50s ISO 3200 18-55@35mm


f/6.3 1/50s ISO 3200 18-55@35mm

Others I know


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In Play

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Big Play

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At Work

f/6.3 1/50s ISO 3200 18-55@30mm

What I discovered while taking portraiture was how the subject was always unpredictable that the subject of the shot could do things that I could not anticipate things that could change the entire composition of the shot. It caused me to instead of trying to force a situation but rather to let the subject do what naturally comes to them. I found this a good way to capture people in their natural state while they were work in play. It taught me that sometimes a happy accident is better then a highly controlled shot.

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