f/6.3 1/40s ISO 3200 18-55@24mm

You are my Sword; My Kryptonite,

f/6.3 1/40s ISO 3200 18-55@24mm

The thing that brings me power,

f/6.3 1/40s ISO 3200 18-55@24mm

The thing that pulls me down,

f/6.3 1/40s ISO 3200 18-55@24mm

But that is my cross to bear,

f/6.3 1/40s ISO 3200 18-55@24mm

For no matter how far you pull me down,

f/6.3 1/40s ISO 3200 18-55@24mm

We always get up,

f/6.3 1/40s ISO 3200 18-55@24mm

At least that’s what I tell myself


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