Mario Cau talks about Brazilian comic books

On April 25th, the HUS 254  and the POR 112 classes welcomed Mario Cau, an award-winning Brazilian comic book author. From the perspective of a life-long reader and a professional artist, Cau brought a glimpse of the historical, cultural and economic relevancies of the Brazilian comic book scene. Being only the tip of a vast iceberg, the goal was to broaden horizons regarding what has been done and is currently being done with the ever-evolving and expanding productions in the medium.

Here is more about our guest speaker:

Mario Cau is an award-winning Brazilian comic book author: writer, illustrator and teacher in love with the spectacular language of the Sequential Arts. Active in the Brazilian comics scene since the early 2000’s, he has been published and self-published in dozens of titles, from his own solo work to group anthologies. His stories range over a variety of genres and always bring a poetic and introspective look at the characters’ emotions and relationships. His most notable works are the series Pieces (Parte de Mim), Therapy (Terapia) and Monsterverse (Monstruário), as well as the adaptation of literary classics like Dom Casmurro and Anne of Green Gables, among many others. Mario had the honor of being nominated several times for the most relevant wards in Brazil’s ever-expanding comic ecosystem, having won the HQMIX, the Jabuti and the Angelo Agostini multiple times. Always devoted to mentoring new artists, his teaching career also spans over almost 20 years. He also creates content for a YouTube channel where he brings the life of a professional artist to the spotlight with lectures, tutorials, reviews and good old friendly chats. Currently living in a small town in Long Island with his wife, he is eager to participate in the comic book universe of the US, bringing all the experience gathered from a life devoted to the medium.

Here are some pictures of the event: