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Centrally Sanctioned Local Empowerment: A Tale of Artificial Intelligence Development in China

The vast potential and promise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning have caught the attention of the world, and China is no exception.  China’s government is eager to act decisively and reap the benefits of these burgeoning technologies. It publicly announced a new comprehensive strategy to develop and regulate AI with its A Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan (2017) and has steadily released increasingly fleshed out pledges and guidelines ever since.

Unwitting But Willing: Mario Cuomo’s Complicated Relationship With Mass Incarceration

Mario Cuomo’s threat to flood United States Attorneys offices across the state with arrested drug suspects in 1990 was a long time coming.[1] Despite 7 years of both New York and the Federal Government expanding law enforcement and carceral infrastructure, Mario Cuomo, the 52nd Governor of New York, was faced with ever increasing crime rates and prisons that were perpetually overcrowded.

Rome’s Worst Defeat

The Second Punic War began when Hannibal Barca, Ancient Carthaginian General, marched on Rome in 218 B.C.E. The goal of this move was to create a second war front that would tie up Roman armies that would have otherwise been sent to the front in Spain. The battle of Cannae was the third battle fought in this attack on the Italian peninsula and the most devastating to Rome.

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