Not sure where I’m supposed to leave this, but I finished editing my avatar a few times based on anime things I liked. The one on the left is a Sailor moon themed kit that someone was distributing in Ponyvale, and on the right is a more or less completely custom Erin Jager […]
Chris Shades’ blender experiments….
I will have several ‘shroom variants once it’s complete; if OK’d by the professor, the class can use them in various projects. BUT PLEASE GIVE ME CREDIT!!!! Thanks. 🙂
A new free game engine check it out (not an assignment)
Final Lesson assignments and some prep work for next week
I have shared a spreadsheet with all of the lesson assignments.–RgrBD7Z3JAyGEEuGR–uQ0RBfFYqLPfQxrxU/edit?usp=sharing Remember to use both and our wordpress site to communicate with your fellow students. Also… please download and create an account on Second Life in preparation of next week’s class. Thank you to Kate for running this week’s lesson. I had a […]
Watch this training from Maya 2016 Essential Training. This is a 7.5 hour training. I suggest that you turn up the speed on playback and just pause as you need to if you are following along. You will have an in class assignment on Tuesday that uses this knowledge. You have to turn […]
Form Groups
I created a blackboard forum to order to facilitate your ability to connect with your fellow students and form groups for the final project. Please go to blackboard and take advantage of this.
UNREAL ENGINE 4 – Level Design Basics with Jim Brown
Many, many game engines exist which allow you to create worlds in virtual space. Perhaps the most efficient of these is the current Unreal Engine 4. Free to license and use, it’s relatively quick to learn the basics – but could take a lifetime to master. Here, we delve into the basics of how the editor works, […]
Blender Class
Hi guys, this is the Ted Ed lesson for learning Blender on Tuesday. It’s really just links for a bunch of videos, because I think we should do in-class exercises instead of questions. Feel free to watch them beforehand, but I’ll start from scratch on Tuesday, so don’t worry! -Matt User submissions: Cup 1 […]
Assigning Topics
Lessons – You can decide whether you want to teach in class and have students follow along, or if you want them to watch the video before class and complete assignments during class time. Obviously, if you want them to walk in already having watched the video the class will need to know the week […]