Making as Learning: Ideas from Mozilla

This week I’m presenting on “Making as Learning: Mozilla and Curriculum Design.” I had grand ideas of using Mozilla Webmaker, which the authors feature in their experiential learning case study.  However, I’m a proud owner of an IPhone, and I discovered that Webmaker only works on Andriods.  Instead, I checked out Mozilla’s Thimble, which turns out to have helpful tools for teachers and students regarding experience architecture in digital rhetorics.…

GamerGate vs. Cyberfeminism

GamerGate/trolls and cyberfeminism seem to be direct opposites as far as their goals and methods. While the former aims to destroy its target, the latter in its most balanced form desires to encourage, support, and enable all people. One of this week’s readings, Zachary Jason’s “Game of Fear,” details challenges faced by Zoe Quinn, who was targeted by multiple groups and individuals, and argues that Quinn, “like many women in the…