
Some of the courses that I teach include:

Fall Semester

MAR 352 – Introduction to Physical Oceanography w/ Laboratory

Winter Semester

MAR 388 – Tropical Marine Ecology.

This course takes place in Jamaica.
For more information about the course, check out the course webpage: MAR 388: Tropical Marine Ecology
You can read the class blog to find out what students do in the course.

Spring Semester

MAR 373 – Apex Marine Predators 

An upper-level elective investigating trophic interactions and predator-prey relationships


MAR 395- Bioacoustics

An upper-level elective investigating the use of sound by marine organisms.


MAR 570- Data Analysis II.

A graduate-level class focusing on developing programming skills (in R) as well as spatial and temporal data analysis techniques. Upper-level undergrads may register for this course with permission of the instructor.

Some of the students who survived my teaching back in the early days — the true pioneers!