November 16

Synopsis: A progressive synoptic patttern will feature a series of passing cold fronts. A shortwave quickly traverses the area Thursday behind its associated cold front. Rain from the front ends west to east as the front pushes furthe roff the coast. High pressure...

November 14

Synopsis: An upper level shortwave exits to the east Tuesday. High pressure retreats to the north Tuesday and Wednesday ahead of a shortwave and associated cold front that will cross the area on Thursday.  Cool temperatures perist on Tuesday and Wednesday but warm...

November 7

Synopsis: High pressure retreats northward Tuesday ahead of a northeastward moving shortwave trough resulting in increasing clouds for Tuesday.  Precipitation associated with the shortwave and it associated surface low will reach Long Island after 5pm and should end...

November 2

Synopsis: A warm front advances north through Long Island thursday ahead of a broad upper level trough and its associated low tracking into eastern Canada. A cold front will cross eastwaard through the region Friday night but moisture is lacking and the marginal...

October 31

Synopsis: Zonal flow aloft on Tuesday will become increasingly southerly Wednesday and Thursday as high pressure builds over the western Atlantic ahead of a broad upper level trough, resulting in large scale warm advection over the next few days. Low pressure...