Synopsis: Skies becoming cloudier as clouds are being advected from the south and south-east associated with the high pressure moving offshore. An arctic cold front will approach the region tonight and temperatures will struggle to hit the 40-degree mark. High...

Synopsis: We’ll have low pressure in our area tonight, resulting in some rain tonight. The rain tonight may accumulate to a quarter to half an inch overnight. Then, high pressure will move in Wednesday resulting in cooler temperatures for the rest of the week. ...

November 7

Synopsis: High pressure retreats northward Tuesday ahead of a northeastward moving shortwave trough resulting in increasing clouds for Tuesday.  Precipitation associated with the shortwave and it associated surface low will reach Long Island after 5pm and should end...

Nov 6th Forecast- Rain Today, Much Cooler Thereafter

An area of low pressure passing to the north will drag a strong cold front through the area this evening. Rain and thunderstorms will be likely this afternoon as a result. High pressure builds in for Tuesday and it will be much colder as a cooler airmass builds in. An...

Sunday, November 5 Forecast

Synopsis: As high pressure system moves east  wind shifts from east to southeast and brings mild humid air, cloudy conditions and possible rain. Sunday Cloudy, humid, possible rain with mild temperatures. High % Chance of Rain Wednesday Night Sunny, warm and...

Saturday November 4, 2017

Synopsis: High Surface Pressure to the North of New York state, Low Surface Pressure Caribbean Near the Gulf Stream. Resulting in Strong Easterly Flow from the Atlantic Ocean. There is a Stationary front to the south of Long Island, and cold front off the coast moving...