Week 8
Review of graphic novel pages.
Homework: Continue to develop your graphic novels
Week 8
Review of graphic novel pages.
Homework: Continue to develop your graphic novels
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March 21, 2016 at 2:25 am
I enjoyed the article about the carbon project. Mostly because it could hold significant advancements in the global climate change crisis. Also I feel like this type of science, that which could increase the longevity of our planet is not prominent enough in headline news.
March 21, 2016 at 2:39 am
I think we really need to step up in what we are doing to help counteract the effects our carbon emissions have had on the planet, as we may be the last generation that can help reverse the effects on climate change. Because of this opinion, I found the article about carbon sequestration to be the most intriguing and a good step in that direction. It’s fantastic that CarbFix is being worked on by countries around the world, as one country could never make enough of an impact on it’s own. CO2 can be utilized by organisms that live underwater and underground in a positive manner, opposed to the negative effects CO2 has on the atmosphere. While this idea has been tried previously without the rate of success originally predicted, I believe it is something worth trying again.
March 22, 2016 at 12:49 am
I like the article named “Fish by the Trillions in the Twilight Zone”, at first, i dont know what this article gonna about, i am just interested in the title. Arthur ask a question What’s the Earth’s most populous vertebrate? This question made me wonder the answer. I thought it would be human but the answer is a kind of small fish in deep sea, they use different way to protect themselves even they are small. and they are still going to increase the amount year by year. This article made me learn a lot about the charactics of this kind of fish. I
March 22, 2016 at 2:19 am
I really enjoyed the article entitled “Secrets of the Ancients in DNA” as it really holds a significance into where we come from as humans. The basis of our origination is a topic discussed through various ways, but through this extraordinary use of scientific research is opening us up to a whole new level of discovering our history. It amazes me how much we can learn from such small samples and how we are going to be able to not only map out our genome, but genomes of other humans and see how we were able to evolve over time. This article really fascinated me and I cannot wait to hear the future developments of this topic.
March 22, 2016 at 2:27 am
I personally enjoyed the Preserving Cuba’s Environment article the most because ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always been fascinated with the aquatic environment. Now, with tensions lowering, Cuban and American scientists can work together to preserve and protect the marine environment. I think it’s great that they’re working together to do that because the marine life and environment is beautiful. Although Fidel Castro is known to have a bad reputation, it is good to learn that he emphasized the importance of protecting the environment and is the cause of the large amount of devotion Cuba has put into preserving the environment.
March 22, 2016 at 3:17 am
I like the article about “Secrets of the Ancients in DNA”. First of all, the heading itself was interesting to me because I like to study about DNA and gene. I feel it is really interesting to know about the past. This article not only about the gene and DNA, it also connects with history.It is fascinating that we can learn a lot about the past.
March 22, 2016 at 4:39 am
I found that the article discussing the voyager expedition was most interesting to me. What made this interesting to me was the fact was suspense leading up to the new discoveries by the New Horizons space probe. New Horizons launched over 9 years ago and just last year the beauty of pluto was revealed through photography.New Horizon was equipped with advanced cameras that have transmitted back to earth some of the most interesting images through the art and science of photography.If you have never looked at any of the photos, you might think they are nothing special (just rocks). However, the unearthly colors and textures of plutos landscape find beauty in their uniqueness.
Take a look for yourself: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/newhorizons/images/index.html