Professor Lorraine Walsh

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1/26 ~ Introduction

Week 1 Introductions and general outline of the course. Music: Symphony of Science – the Quantum World! HW: Contribute to blog. Write a brief reflective statement (3-4 sentences) on the intersection of art and science. You may include a link to an artwork inspired by science. DUE: Post blog by Monday 2/1, 9:00 am.

Week 1 Introductions and general outline of the course. Music: Symphony of Science – the Quantum World! HW: Contribute to blog. Write a brief reflective statement (3-4 sentences) on the intersection of art and science. You may include a link… Continue Reading →

2/02 ~ Math and Art

Week 2 Math and Art Videos to watch for Homework: When Science Meets Art: Fabian Oefner at TEDxWarwick 2013. 10 minutes 23 seconds. Fabian Oefner is a talented photographer based in Switzerland whose work marries visual aesthetics and science. Most… Continue Reading →

2/09 ~ Physics and Art

Week 3 Intro to Physics and Art Guest Speaker: Nissim Ranade, PhD student in the Math department at Stony Brook University. Studies topology and sometimes paints. Talk: BINARY NUMBERS HW: Contribute to blog. Read about the exciting new discovery of… Continue Reading →

2/16 ~ Gravitational Waves

Week 4 Discussion of the gravitational waves detected, confirming Einstein’s theory! Prof. Walsh shares artwork. Individual meetings with students. Teaching Assistant Matthew Hannigan introduces final project. (Note: BioArt will be discussed at a later date.) Homework: Create a character or… Continue Reading →

2/23 ~ Chemistry and Art

Week 5 Teaching Assistant Matthew Hannigan presents Chemistry and Art! Individual meetings continued. Homework: Work on the storyboard for your graphic novel. The storyboard may be simple boxes with stick figures. Present in class on Tuesday 3/1. ACH102_Storyboards

3/01 ~ BioArt and Individual Meetings

Week 6 BioArt presentation. Review of graphic novel storyboards. Individual meetings continued, time allowing. GraphicNovels_examples_1 GraphicNovels_examples_2 Review of graphic novel pages. Homework: Continue to develop your graphic novels

3/22 ~ ArtSci and Animation

Week 8 Review of graphic novel pages. Homework: Continue to develop your graphic novels

3/08 ~ Fractals

Week 7 Guest speaker: Dr. Matthieu Arfeux: A Quick Trip through Fractals Review of graphic novel pages. Homework: 1. Continue to develop your graphic novels 2. Read the article SCIENCE NEWS THAT STUCK WITH US IN 2015. Select the news… Continue Reading →

3/29 ~ Blackboard Drawing

Week 9 Blackboard drawing. Review of graphic novel pages. Homework: Continue to develop your graphic novels

4/05 ~ Student Presentations!

Week 10 Graphic Novel presentations. CLASS MEETS IN SCGP 313

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