Age of the Urban Dictionary

Main Points:

  • Urban dictionary is widely known by people of all ages as the search engine to keep up on all the new, trendy words. The site started as kind of joke towards the real dictionary and the editors who spend so much time going through new words and adding them. It has since then continued to be the longest historical account of slang words. 
  • Most people approach this site because it is informal which allows people to voice their opinions on new words or words having other meanings. This compared to the dictionary, which is quite formal and seen with this ‘authoritarian’ aura. A linguist named Denis ,who agrees with the authority lacking Urban dictionary is popular for this informal manner, states: “I think the Urban Dictionary model is probably more representative because it doesn’t rely on that authority.”
  • The site plays a major role in new slang or words being given new meaning to join the dictionary; So much so that they are even used in court hearings and other legal situations. In a recent cases, the urban dictionary defined word ‘nut’ has been used in sexual harassment claims. This being one many words brought up in professional settings. This site can be seen as a bridge from the informal youth speaking world to the professional adult world.

Influence of the internet: 

  • Urban dictionary, as a company, operates under the motto “Define Your World”. This seems to be a poke to the authors of the dictionary; since the Urban Dictionary allows anyone with internet access to edit, compared to the English dictionary which is edited by professional linguists. But their motto also has ties to our modern world and society. Nowadays everyone wants to have freedom, not only in terms of political or work related but also in the words we use. This is seen countless times on social media platforms. Twitter is a social networking site often used just for the point of pushing boundaries in terms of the English language. 
  • It is no secret that the dictionary business is declining due to our modern high speed internet. Also because most words can be defined through a simple, “Hey siri!” or google search. It is, however, important to state that it is not only the Urban Dicitonary beating out the dictionary business but also so many other apps or sites created along the way.