Monthly Archives: May 2018

ars 225 final

flower final-11eup8w

With this project, I am trying to show how nature can treat people with greed and innocence.


I was inspired by the two different subjects that are frequently employed throughout the history of Korean folktales, story of carnation which is a mythology of the flowers and encouraging good and punishing evil.

here is the story of carnation:

In the story, there are four main symbolism utilized; man, girl, magical flower, and animals (cat and bear). The man represented the greed and evil. When he went to the woods to look for a magical flower for his own advantage, he was judged by the bear. On the other hand, the girl represents innocence. The girl went into the woods by chasing the cat and got the flower, but she was protected by the cat when the bear approaches to her. The girl only cared about how her grandmother would love the flower, not in the purpose of getting rich and for her greed.


I chose to draw a short comic book because drawings are effective on getting the message delivered to the reader. I sketched characters and background with my iPad. After that I edited with Photoshop to make it easy to arrange the pictures in InDesign. My goal was to brush the surface on the korean cultures or history through this comics.