By studying people’s reactions to works of art, scientists are combining neurological research with aesthetics. How do we define beauty? Why do we define beauty this way? Why is it that everyone feels differently about the beauty of the same thing? The study of Neuroaesthetics can give us an answer.
The prefrontal cortex influences the way we consciously experience aesthetic stimuli because it is a region of the brain. This is where our memories and perceptions of colored objects come together. This is where we make decisions, so the visual impact affects the understanding of beauty and the perception of art. Neuroaesthetics methods can be descriptive or experimental. Describing Neuroaesthetics is the practice of mapping the properties of the brain to aesthetic experience. Different areas of the brain process differently when appreciating different kinds of art. This includes color areas, line areas, and so on. When the scientists dressed the volunteers and showed them the artwork, the areas of the brain that received higher levels of electrical signals were those that produced strong aesthetic feelings.
Whether it’s from an artist’s perspective or a neuroscientist’s perspective? Through the study of Neuroaesthetics, we know what creates beauty, and why different people would have different feelings and thoughts of beauty. This is a very interesting research topic.