Final personal

Final Project: Try to be close

The main idea of my set of photograph is letting my friend who is a stranger for my cats to try to move close to them.

It takes a long time for cats to accept a stranger.

So I captured the process of how to being friend with cat.

Through the photograph I took I want to express that cat is same like us, we all need time to learn more about strangers appeared in our life and begin to be friends with them.

And the friendship between us will gain as the time goes on.

PROJECT 5 Altered Perception




This is the original image I take.

this is one kind of colour blindness cannot see the color of red

this is one kind of colour blindness cannot see the color of blue

this is one kind of colour blindness cannot see the color of green

this is one kind of colour blindness just can see the color of black and white

play with the color.


Color Portraits

During my interview with Lin. She is a lovely girl.  She have a pretty brown hair and pretty smile. She is good at painting and drawing, she is the art major. I feel her enthusiasm for art.  I thought that the yellow sunflowers would represent her well.

During my interview with Andy. He is very quiet. He like read book so much. And also very good at photography. I thought that the blue sky would represent his well.


Part 1 Create a series of Camera Study Images (14 images)

                                                      1. Correct exposure

2. Overexposure

                                                     3. Underexposure

                                                      4. Highest ISO setting

                                                      5. Lowest ISO setting

                                                     6. Correct White Balance setting

                                                     7. Incorrect White Balance setting

                                                     8. Incorrect White Balance setting

9. Shallow depth of field (use wide aperture)

                                                     10. Deep depth of field (use narrow aperture)

                                                     11. Stopping (freezing) of rapid motion (use fast shutter speed) -of moving subject

                                                     12. Blurring of rapid motion (use slow shutter speed) -of moving subject

                                                     13. Standard (straight-forward) angle of view upon subject

                                                    14. Alternative angle of view of subject