Work Experience

Currently, I am a Business Development intern at Precipart. I started in my current position this past June. Precipart works with medical device companies to provide precision manufacturing solutions for components that go into their working devices. We specialize in small, custom mechanical parts as well as gears and gearboxes. In my role as part of the Business Development team, I am responsible for communicating directly with customers to understand the technical requirements of their projects so that we can provide a perfect solution. You may be wondering how an engineer would find himself in this kind of position; after all, the first word you probably thought of when I mentioned Business Development was sales. However, most of my conversations are with engineers, and it is absolutely necessary that I have the technical background provided by an engineering degree to both understand the customer’s problem and work with them to build the best product possible.

Previously, I participated in the Longitudinal Biodesign Internship at Stony Brook from the fall of 2020 to the summer of 2021. The program allowed me to get an inside look at the problems that clinicians face everyday through rotations in the University Hospital emergency room and operating room. I was exposed to the process of taking an identified clinical need all the way to a market-ready product through conversations and lectures from doctors, industry mentors, and engineering professors. I got to apply the knowledge and skills I learned by identifying a real clinical need, presenting market research on the problem to mentors, and creating a working prototype that addressed the problem during my senior design course.

For more information about my experiences, please see my resume and linked in:
