Task 3 The Camera

I used my android phone to took this photos.
I also used Manual Camera apps for this tasks.

1-3Exposure bracketing demonstrating

correct exposure



4-5. Highest and lowest ISO, demonstrating noise level

I used the android in phone cam app to shot. lowest: 300

I used android in phone app to shot highest 1000.

6-8. White Balance (3 different WB settings)

I used WB 3000 to get a cold color.

I used WB 6500 to get a warm color.

This is WB7000 k. under a warm color. Dark lighting.



9. Stopping (freezing) of rapid motion (fast shutter speed)

This is a shot token on a high way in Penn State.

Chicago city

10. Blurring of rapid motion (slow shutter speed)


My cat tries to ran away.

My dog wants to open the elevator’s door

11. Shallow depth of field (wide aperture)

12. Deep depth of field (narrow aperture)

13-15. Angle/Point of view

straight-forward angle of view in Loreto Mexico


Side angle from a street in Twin cities MN

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