Zines are Intimate

The zines allow for more human connection that is not present in online formats, through their materiality, handmade nature, and scrappy aesthetic. Digital scans of zines do exist, but it is a common sentiment that zines are a medium that is meant to be held. As zine creator, Pablo Alarcón Jr. argues, the zine “needs to be held in your hand for the full experience” (Chinn 2). Online zines are usually scans of print zines, or they mimic the appearance and structure of paper. Many zines on Etsy offer online and digital versions, whereas the digital version is simply a PDF scan of the paper version. It is widely understood that digital publishing has “made the material zine form more important, salient and unique” (Piepmeier 224). The essential materiality of the zine allows for increased intimacy. The physicality of a zine allows for the stimulation of senses which brings attention to the reader’s body, helping to promote emotional responses and full engagement. The sensations of materiality, such as feeling the texture of the pages between one’s fingers, smelling the paper, and hearing the pages turn, promote the complete engagement of the reader in what they are reading. The materiality of a zine also warrants feelings of personal possession and care. One must be careful not to rip the pages and must put thought into how to store the item. When one is forced to treat an item with care, it helps create an attachment to the object. Zines are often compared to feeling as if they are personal letters from the creator to the reader (Piepmeier 229). Many zines are also handwritten, reflecting a unique feature of the creator that promotes connection. The handwriting in the zine is directly a result of the creator’s mannerisms, which allows for the zine to feel less removed from the creator. Zines that are acquired through the mail are also frequently packaged with objects, such as stickers, notes, and photos. These objects are intentionally packaged with the zine the reader has in their possession. (Blake 34) This personalized delivery is typically absent online. Personal touches on each zine, such as edition numbers, also allow for increased intimacy. (Blake 37)  The knowledge that this particular edition of the zine belongs to the reader can create further affection for the work. The increased intimacy of zines is evident in their materiality, handwritten text, and personalized touches, such as small gift items and edition numbers.