Who the Cluck Knows

The chickens are growing rapidly!

Who the Cluck Knows

Here is the next episode in Who The Cluck Knows. “Grey” discovers the handmade swing and “Sunny” gets very excited over Lo Mein noodles! I’ve been giving them treats twice a day, usually chopped greens in the morning and something a bit more substantial in the evening. On the menu last night was scrambled eggs; yes, chickens are cannibals and enjoy eggs, a bit of rice cooked with turmeric, mixed greens and a few Lo Mein noodles for comedic relief.

Any time I bring them something they all get very excited. They chirp loudly and run around with whatever it is trying to keep it to themselves. Over the weekend we were digging a predator barrier around the coop and brought them in a cup full of grubs and worms. OMG, they were over the moon!

FYI, a predator barrier consists of digging a trench around the coop and run and sinking cinder blocks below grown level and on top of 1/2″ hardware cloth. The hardware cloth is carried up and secured to the enclosure, thus protecting the chickens from anything trying to tunnel under the fence to get in.

Stay tuned for the next installment!


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