Musical Reflection #1

“Lose Yourself” by Eminem
The song Lose Yourself by Eminem actually has some meaning to me. I feel like when I listen Eminem’s music that I can relate to his pain, not entirely since I haven’t gone through all he has but I’ve had my share. I chose this song also since rap music and me have a connection; also it’s my favorite kind of music.
There’s something about hearing him rap in this song. I mean just listening to rap music, it makes you feel like there’s nothing else around you; you’re enveloped in this person’s story. Eminem always can provide this effect. In the song you just want to get amped, like you’re ready for something when the bass drops. I used to listen the song before I took a test, felt like I couldn’t be stopped. I lost myself in the music if you would. To this day when that song comes on I still get this effect.
Many people may not know but the song was actually featured in VH1’S top 100 songs of the 2000s and was the main song in Eminem’s movie 8 miles. It placed 2nd on their charts.In it he played a character going through things that when compared to his own life were pretty much the same. When you watch his struggles sometimes you want to just cry. Lose Yourself doesn’t make you cry though; it’s used in a way to bring about his comeback/ rise to stardom and that’s how it should be. We all have those dark places that we dwell in sometimes but if we make it out of the gutter we can arise stronger from it.
Now let’s talk about some of the aspects of the song. First off Eminem’s rhymes are usually pretty dope and this time it’s no different. As he spits the verses I understand every word literally and figuratively as if it has another meaning. The beat is really good too. I appreciate a song with a good beat. When it opens up you know you’ll love the rest of the song. The slight effects of the guitar and piano also contribute to the overall rhythm very well.
Lose Yourself is a quality song in my opinion. It’ll forever go down in the history books as one of the number one rap songs. It’s songs like this that make Eminem so unique and one of my favorite rappers. If you like Eminem, you’ll love this piece of work. Let’s hear it for Shady!

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