Getting Involved in Research

How do I get involved in research?

STEP 1:  The first step to becoming involved in research within the psychology department on campus is to speak to a staff or faculty member to discuss your interests and discover what opportunities are available at the present time.

STEP 2:  After you have decided which course you are interested in pursuing (Psy 273, 447, or 487), your next step is to get the proper permissions. To get permission for:

  • PSY 273 (Research Assistant) – You will need to apply for RA positions within individual labs. For a current list of labs seeking RA’s, contact the Research Coordinator in Psych B 154 or via email, or view the list on this website in the above menu.
  • PSY 447 (Readings in Psychology) – You will need to speak to the faculty member with whom you are interested in doing readings. If you are not sure which faculty member to contact, speak with a staff member who can guide you.
  • PSY 487 (Independent Research) – Independent research requires that you be U3 or U4 status. Speak with the faculty member that you would like to work with as your sponsor. It is suggested that you seek a faculty sponsor who’s own research interests match yours.

STEP 3:  Fill out a contract form (link below) with the faculty sponsor. This is required if you work with a faculty outside of psychology, and the form should be returned to the undergraduate office. Once you have the permission of the faculty sponsor and department, you will be notified on SOLAR when you are able to enroll in the course.
Link to contract:  CLICK HERE