
At this point I have had no research experience in a lab at Stony Brook, and part of this is because I have not a correct fit research at this university that has interested me as of yet. Though I believe in the importance of being involved in research, I believe that it is even more important to be interested in the topic being researched and I am far more interested in research where I can see direct beneficial outcomes for society. For this reason, I have been more involved in internships and jobs where I can advance medical device technology. Operativ, the company I work with, is an orthopedic medical device manufacturing company focused on designing new tools for total knee arthroplasty. Though I have not been involved directly in research, my time in industry has given me transferable skills and experience. One thing that I have learned is that the process from the inception of an idea till the time that it comes to fruition can be years, as it can be in research, and the journey has many steps, along with its fair share of setbacks. One example of this is a project that I started with Operativ in the summer of 2014, after my freshman year of undergrad. It is just now, in late 2016, getting close to being salable.  Before this it had to go through need evaluation, initial designing and design requirements specification, manufacturing, testing, and evaluation, along with multiple cadaver labs and redesigning. Though this is not research, the development of a product takes a very similar flow path, making the experience transferable.