Color Rendition (w: 800px, .png):

Black & White Rendition (w: 800px, .png):

Design Choices:

  1. Font Choice

    For this typography assignment, I used the font Montserrat Alternates from Google Fonts. I wanted to find a font that was Sans-Serif to give it a more modern flare since their current typography logo looks more traditional. However, I wanted to curve the e at the end to give off a friendly, open feeling inspired by the e in Google. Another font I considered that also had a slanted e is Josefin Sans, however, that one was much more straight and parallel while I liked that this font had more curves in the letters, such as the a. Lastly, I chose to use the italicize the font as I thought it added more interest and made it look more friendly and casual. This makes sense in context of the business because Chatime is a very large bubble tea chain (that is now on campus), and you want the customers to feel in the branding that this is a fun, modern, friendly, yet delicious place.

  2. Color Choice

    For the color choice, I stuck with their original color scheme which is a dark purple along with green for the tea leaf. Considering the psychology of color, purple gives off a ‘fun’, unique and out of the box feeling. I thought that blue would be too corporate and orderly and colors like red, orange and yellow do not look appetizing for bubble tea.

  3. Imagery

    For the imagery, I wanted to play around with the i. I made the dot above the i into a tapioca bubble using the shape and brush tool in Photoshop. The tea leaf hanging above is the same image from their original lettering that I cut out and added using Photoshop.