Final Project

“2 Hours Before Walking Through NYC as a Female”

In this project, I tried to display the conflict women face while simply getting ready for the day. The innocence of just leaving the house is tarnished by the realization that soon she will be stared at, harassed, whistled at, and possibly followed, solely for being born the “subservient gender”. Many, of course not all, men feel entitled to a woman’s attention and body. However, the statistics of women fearing the public eye are staggering.




Project 4; the constructed image

“Birds in my Ear and a Devil on my Shoulder”

A self portrait showcasing the two sides of myself; positive/ negative, good vs bad, angelic vs demonic.

Taken with a Nikon D3000, 4 separate images were utilized, and composited together on photoshop. Slight filters were added, the “good” me in a white shirt, smiling, with light fading in from the lefthand side. While in contrast, the “bad” side of me whispering negative thoughts into my ear, while a slight red undertone is added for dramatics. Both images’ have their opacity lowered.

The “main” or center, more clearer image of me is conflicted which to listen to.

The fourth image of me cant take the battles within myself and is fed up.


Reference Images;

symbolic mutation 1961

Symbolic Mutation, Jerry N. Uelsmann, Print, 1961.


Duane Michals — The Spirit Leaves the Corpse


references for final project



Following is a list of male privileges.  If you are male (and a man), listed below are benefits that result from being born with that gender and sex.

“The first big privilege which whites, males, people in upper economic classes, the able bodied, the straight (I think one or two of those will cover most of us) can work to alleviate is the privilege to be oblivious to privilege.” This checklist is, I hope, a step towards helping men to give up the “first big privilege.”






Harrassment statistics




Semester and Year: Fall 2014

Course: ARS281

Student Name: Alexa Barricelli

Date: 11/25/14

PROJECT TITLE (Project 6: Final Projects Series):  

10 hours before walking in NYC as a woman


I plan to base my project about the controversial and viral video released a few weeks ago, “10 hours of walking in NYC as a woman”. A video trying to point out the harassment that young women face on a daily basis while simply stepping out into the public sphere. While the video has created an uproar with men defending their actions as mere compliments not harassment, they simply don’t understand how their words are much more powerful than broad comments, they affect the way women perceive themselves and their bodies. Instead of ending harassment, media tends to focus on victim blaming, shaming the woman in the video (in a black tee shirt and plain fitted blue jeans nonetheless) for being “more attractive than average” and “wearing provocative clothing”. I plan to capture the emotions of a female before leaving the house through a small series of photographs with minor post processing edits.


I intend to produce a series of photos in a particular order, which has a definitive start and end.

The photos will be displayed on the overhead projector so all the details can be present on a large scale.

I plan to have somewhere between 6-12 photographs.


The photos will be taken inside a house, specifically a bathroom, and bedroom. I will be using my Nikon D3000 along with basic household lights and lamps. I will be utilizing a single female subject for this project, as she gets dressed and applies makeup before leaving her home for the day. The post editing will be mostly saturation and color effects/balances while shooting in RAW. I may also include text on the photo to assist in my efforts to bring awareness to the thought processes that must occur whie a woman questions her appearance.


Photographer Lindsey Villatoro


Thorazine; the pill that dismantled an institution.






















8DSC_0657_11. (cover photo)

Mental illness in the 1800s was stigmatized and handled extremely different than it is today. Those suffering from both mental and physical disabilities were contained in asylums and hospitals hidden from the general public. In 1885, Kings Park Psychiatric Center was established to help relieve the amount of patients being admitted to hospitals in Brooklyn.

Throughout its history, Kings Park was significant for being on the cutting edge of psychological science, cementing its place in history as an early adopter and advocate of a sequence of new procedures and medications that eventually led to the institution’s decline. Shock therapies and lobotomies were performed daily on patients who had no right to give or deny consent for these procedures once admitted to the asylum.

The development of effective antipsychotic medication in the mid-1950s signaled the decline of these extreme measures and the institution system as a whole. For the first time, residents once considered hopeless were able to manage their mental illness and live independently. This led to a dramatic shift in institutions across the country from severe overcrowding to near-abandonment as a trend of deinstitutionalization swept through America into the 80s and 90s.

Due to the advancements made with the drug Thorazine, which helped with hallucinations, anxiety, and violent behaviors, the need for giant asylums was no longer ideal. In 1996, Kings Park Psychiaric Center was claimed abandoned, ending the facility’s 111 year run.

2. Building 93, a 13-story structure whose design was strikingly similar to what it had sought to avoid. At its peak in the 1950s, Kings Park reached a population of over 9,000 residents, who were divided by gender, age, temperament, and physical limitations.

3. Another angle of Building 93 to show the brutaliste architecture modeled after skyscrapers built in Manhattan in the early 1900s

4. Building 90, utilized for nurses to learn procedures and also served as a dormitory for the students.

5. Outside of Building 93 which has been fenced off to the public

6.  A look inside one of the wings behind Building 93

7. Outside of Building 94 which has been completely sealed and boarded up

8. a look into Building 94 which was used to wash contaminated clothing and bed spreads

9. Inside of Building 21, which served as a residence hall for patients that included seclusion rooms in isolation.

10. A cot turned upside down inside of Building 93

11. The remains of a finer quality chair that would’ve only been utilized by doctors, nurses or others with authority.

12. A fridge inside the ruins of an office

13. Basement of Building 7, underneath a loading dock where dead bodies would be transported to bring inside of the morgue that was constructed within the building.







Captured with my Nikon D3000; edited on PS

little, igloo, lucy!

Screen Shot 2014-10-16 at 9.18.47 PM

taken by Jen Holden on a Nikon D3000

edited in photoshop by me


west coast

photos from my Panasonic camcorder captured this summer

edited on photoshop

6 3 2 1 4 8 7



Nikon D3000 18-55mm lens

Catskill Mountains, NY


Montauk, NY.

Shot on a Nikon D3000

edited on Photoshop





San Francisco, July 2014

All shot with a Nikon D3000

18-55mm lens and 55-200mm

edited on photoshop





take the risk and jump


Lake Placid, NY.  August 2014

shot on a GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition

tuesday; week 7

raw image vs edited



             TASK 3: the CAMERA     

 1. DSC_0472

 2. DSC_0469

3. DSC_0471

4. DSC_0446

5. DSC_0445

6. DSC_0439


7. DSC_0490

8. DSC_0400

9. DSC_0421

10. DSC_0423

11. DSC_0459

12. DSC_0454

number  |      type            | aperture | shutter speed | ISO setting

1. Correct Exposure: f/5.6 1/60 320

2. Over Exposure: f/5.6  1/6 100

3. Under Exposure: f/5.6 1/1250 1600

4. Low ISO: f/5 1/20 100

5. High ISO: f/5 1/20 1600

6. White Balance: f/5.3 1/50 400 (cloudy) vs f/8 1/160 1600 (incandescent)

7. Stopping of Rapid Motion: f/5.6 1/500 800

8. Blurring of Rapid Motion: f/22 2 640

9. Shallow Depth of Field: f/6.3 1/15 360

10. Deep depth of Field: f/20 1/20 1600

11. Standard Angle: f/6.3 1/60 200

12. Alternative Angle:  f/5.3 1/60 200


grid: datenight


the View






Photo taken right after the kiss


Sunday is a Rugby Day


post-game photo


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