Month: September 2014


             TASK 3: the CAMERA     

 1. DSC_0472

 2. DSC_0469

3. DSC_0471

4. DSC_0446

5. DSC_0445

6. DSC_0439


7. DSC_0490

8. DSC_0400

9. DSC_0421

10. DSC_0423

11. DSC_0459

12. DSC_0454

number  |      type            | aperture | shutter speed | ISO setting

1. Correct Exposure: f/5.6 1/60 320

2. Over Exposure: f/5.6  1/6 100

3. Under Exposure: f/5.6 1/1250 1600

4. Low ISO: f/5 1/20 100

5. High ISO: f/5 1/20 1600

6. White Balance: f/5.3 1/50 400 (cloudy) vs f/8 1/160 1600 (incandescent)

7. Stopping of Rapid Motion: f/5.6 1/500 800

8. Blurring of Rapid Motion: f/22 2 640

9. Shallow Depth of Field: f/6.3 1/15 360

10. Deep depth of Field: f/20 1/20 1600

11. Standard Angle: f/6.3 1/60 200

12. Alternative Angle:  f/5.3 1/60 200


grid: datenight


the View






Photo taken right after the kiss


Sunday is a Rugby Day


post-game photo


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