Multimodality Projects

Multimodality projects are another excellent way for wary educators to incorporate digital media into their classrooms.  Multimodality projects are typically used as summative assessments at the end of a novel unit in ELA classrooms.  They ask students to create a project employing at least two different modes of expression to comment on and analyze an element of the text.  For example, a way to incorporate music and writing would be to write and create a song or to compile a playlist of songs and then write an album booklet detailing why those songs were selected.  They could create a music video to blend visuals and music.  Students who are more artistically inclined could create a diorama, or students can act out and film a scene from the novel.  The possibilities are endless, which give students the opportunity to create something personal to them, something that draws upon their strengths and gives them a platform to present those

strengths and interests.  The comfort and confidence students may have by being able to articulate such a project would better showcase their understanding of the unit as they are able to draw on personal connections and think deeper about topics relevant to themselves, as opposed to a traditional report that dissociates their identity from the course content.


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