KFC: Kentucky Fried Chicken, is the most popular fast food chain in China, establishing its first restaurant in the People’s Republic of China (mainland area) in 1987, and has been in China for 30 years to present day. It is precise because KFC is more willing to change its menu of Chinese food to cater to more “Chinese stomachs.” In China today, there are more KFC’s than McDonald’s, which is opposite in the US. Now, consumers in more than 850 cities in both North and South China can enjoy KFC right at their doorstep.

Pizza Hut: Opened its first store in China in 1990. Prior to entering the market, Pizza Hut performed market analysis’ and research into consumer food preferences, tastes, and dining habits. With its planning and research, Pizza Hut was successful in its endeavors, opening over 1,300 stores in the country.

McDonald’s: Though KFC is the most popular and had an earlier start in reaching China, McDonald’s is actually the first fast food enterprise to enter China, though not the mainland (yet). Taipei, in the Republic of China, is the home of the first fast-food restaurant in China, starting in 1984. It then spread to mainland China in the 1990’s and eventually becoming the home to the world’s largest McDonald’s in the world, located in Beijing.