
This class has been one of my favorite this entire semester. It made me confident to work with Photoshop and play around with it, even if the difference was stark. It helped me get out of my comfort zone and think creatively, especially when it came to taking self-portraits and photographs inside a room, both of which are not something I personally like. It was amazing to see a few of my own photos in print.
I am looking forward to clicking fewer photos and being able to condense them to few but impactful and the best photos of the lot. With this class, I have also been introduced to so many amazing photographers whom I can draw inspiration from.

Thank You.

Teju Cole : Luigi Ghirri’s Brilliant Photographic Puzzles


Teju Cole, in his article for New York Time Magazine, in 2016, wrote about Luigi Ghirri, an Italian photographer, his way of photography, people who influenced Luigi and what attracts Cole to Luigi as he keeps a postcard reproduction of one of his famous photographs on his fridge ( Salisburgo, pictured above). He talks about how all of Luigi’s photographs are “calm and mysterious — just a bit out of reach”.

One of the first pictures mentioned ordinarily looks like four women overlooking mountains but upon closer look, the mountains look like they are part of a map or is a picture. When I looked at the picture the first time I too thought it was painting of four women looking at mountains. His pictures are a mix of reality and imagination. Cole explains it beautifully about Luigi’s work when he says, “These little touches, these grace notes, testify to the intensity of Ghirri’s seeing and his love for the muted but multi­dimensional drama the world contains.” when he talks about the photograph with the boat and word ‘MARE ‘ on it.

Reading about Luigi here I went on to look at his photographs and I found his photographs so beautiful, it gives a feeling of idealistic, picturesque holiday pictures many of them landscape – beautiful beaches, mountains, etc. In the photograph Tellaro, Italy, I almost missed the boat and the far-off island. I think that his pictures have a lot of detail but they are so minuscule that it is easy to miss and makes me wonder if it is Luigi’s actual intentions. His way of portraying landscape is different, interesting and hence makes sense why so attractive.



Final Project – 100 words

For my last project, I wanted to something that intrigues me and something that I  ended up incorporating in few of my project through the semester. Reflections. I think reflections adds a  layer to photos, it makes you look at things differently. So, I wanted to do something which I have been doing, unknowingly. It was fun to push my boundaries and see what I could do differently from the already existing relefctive photographs out there. I will continue to see where this leads and incorporate protraits as well as landscape as I go further.

For this project, I followed photographers like Vivian Maier who took self portraits in different ways. I have been enjoying taking photos that have a few things going on in it and confuses people.

Saul leiter:

Vivian Maier:

One picture that also caught my attention was:

I tried to use this photo as an inspiration for a few of my photographs in this project. it is by Paul Douglis, I found it on a website


Final Project – REFLECTIONS

For my last project, I wanted to play around with reflection, one of my favorite ways to take pictures.

The first few pictures are of me standing in front of various reflective glasses.

Hello There

Shutter Speed:


It’s me again

ISO: 200
Aperture: f/3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/20
Location: SAC


Spooky Me

Shutter Speed:

These two picutres are photos from inside the building at night. Hence you see the light from inside and outside of the building


Shutter Speed:



ISO: 400
Aperture: f/3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/3
Location: SAC

These two pictures are photographed from the outside of the building.


ISO : 400
Aperture: f/3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/20
Location: SAC



ISO: 100
Aperture: f/3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/500
Location: Mathematics Building

Perfect Reflections

Shutter Speed:

The next three pictures are reflections via water

Upside Down

Shutter Speed:


On edge

ISO: 100
Aperture: f/3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/50
Location: Greenhouse


ISO: 100
Shutter Speed: 1/4000
Location: Fire Island


Shutter Speed: