Alum Jeremy Dennis Artist Talk @ Isak’s ARS 381 Hybrid Studio 2:00pm, Wednesday, September 20th

SBU alum Jeremy Dennis (SBU ’13, MFA Penn State ’16) will speak on Wednesday, September 20th, 12:00pm, as part of the “Race, Love and Labor” photography exhibition at the Stony Brook University Zuccaire Gallery.

Jeremy Dennis (b. 1990) is an artist and photographer born in Southampton, New York and raised on the Shinnecock Indian Reservation. Dennis graduated in 2013 with a B.A. from Stony Brook University in New York with a minor in Digital Arts, and received an MFA from Pennsylvania State University in 2016.

His talk will reflect upon his studio art practice beginning at Stony Brook University, which led to his artist in residency at the Center for Photography at Woodstock. 

Jeremy will reconvene for an in-depth session with the Stony Brook University photography students and deliver an artist talk and discussion in the Fine Arts Hybrid Studio SINC Site #4255 on the 4th floor of Staller Center at 2:00pm.

Jeremy Dennis