Archive of ‘Mental health’ category

Welcome, Earthlings!

Love, for you, is larger than the usual romantic love. -Richard Siken

Hullo! My name is Julie Scarr. First and fore mostly, I identify as a poet. I preach self-love. I am passionate and excitable about just all I do. I wear my heart & thoughts on my sleeve and have worked my butt off to achieve a status of clarity of mind within my health. My ultimate goal in this life is to promote self-care and mental health through sharing my own experiences through my writing (also hopefully one day teaching & peer counseling).
I am only human. I hold steadfast to the notion that no matter your identity, whether it be gender, orientation, of color, disability in terms of mental health or physicality, spiritual beliefs,
that for the love of whatever universal power you may believe in (and I hope part of it is the power within your own self),
we are all only human and should choose to be kind.
I wear my emotion in my voice, and fun fact: if writing wasn’t my God-given talent, I would love to be a lead vocalist in some form. I sing heartily in my car as I venture from place to place.
I attend Stony Brook University as an English major and Creative Writing minor, and have found where I belong in this setting.
I am so incredibly grateful to have the privileges I do in having such a wonderful and loving support system in my life.
& I smile through it all.

Here is a poem!

I’m an outlaw on my own.
I’m an outlaw overthrown.
-The Staves

tell me,
do you
hear my
voice? it’s
the way I yours.

tell me,
you may
hold this
affliction &
i am aware, i cannot
know. you cannot see mine.

tell me,
am i
any less
humane for
my voices are
nowhere quite near
visible? so? my brain scans
in ways yours may or may not.

all i
know is
it’s irregular.

building the resistance.
building it to last but

i need a brick to hold.

-Julie Scarr