Lone Survivor Response

Lone Survivor and Saving Private Ryan are war films that are involve a group of soldiers that are sent out on a mission only for things to go very wrong. Through their struggles on the battlefield, the film-makers give the viewer an in depth look at the interpersonal connections between soldiers in battle. The men that we see in Lone Survivor are very different then the men in Saving Private Ryan Saving Private Ryan. However, there are common threads between the two groups that represent the commonality between all soldiers in a combat situation.

All people have different relationships with one another. This can be seen by comparing the groups of soldiers in the two movies. One noticeable difference between the two groups is how they talked to one another. In Saving Private Ryan the conversations seemed to be more relaxed than with the Lone survivor crew. Many jokes were thrown at each other and everyone spoke their mind at all most of the time. On the other hand, the Lone Survivor crew was very serious. Their conversations were always brief and to the point, especially when on the job. They were not afraid to throw around insults when on the military base, but the battlefield was a different story. This difference on the conversation leads us into the how they conducted their respective missions. The Lone Survivor crew was definitely the more efficient at doing this. They were very by the book. They did everything exactly as they were dictated by either command or general laws about warfare. A good example of this is how they released the goat herders even though they would undoubtedly give away their location, because they were just unarmed civilians. This is something the Saving Private Ryan probably wouldn’t have done. They are more lose when it comes to military discipline. This is not to say that they are bad at performing their job, but they don’t do it as the higher ups would see fit. This can be seen in the scenes where they try to rescue a couple of kids during a battle or when they almost executed a surrendered soldier and were only talked out of it when they the translator stepped in. The last noticeable difference between the interactions between the two groups is the way that they treated each other based on rank. One might think based on everything previously said that the Lone Survivor crew had a bigger emphasis on rank, but actually it is the opposite. The only person that is set apart in the Saving private Ryan crew is the lieutenant. However, while watching the Lone Survivor group, it is sometimes hard to determine who outranks who.

These have some major difference in the way that they interact with each other, they have common threads that tie them together. In reality it is more like one big overarching tie between the groups. This tie is their brotherhood. The men is both groups have an undying bond with one another. They fight side by side and are willing to do whatever is necessary to keep the man standing next to them safe. We see both groups sacrifice for each other on multiple occasions. One example is when one man in the Lone Survivor groups crawls to high ground to send a message requesting assistance only to be killed in the process. The Saving Private Ryan group sacrificed everything at the end of the movie to make sure the Ryan made it home alive.

Both groups of men interact in different ways. They speak differently, act differently and live very different lifestyles. I would reason that I someone would be hard pressed to find two groups of guys that acted exactly the same when placed in a war scenario. However, when people are placed in a war situation there is one thing that you can count on most of the time, brotherhood. In these tough situations men will come together and form bonds greater than any other to ensure that every makes it out alive. As we see, not everyone makes it out, but we also see that they damn sure try their hardest.

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