What is C.O.M.A.P?

The COMAP research group focuses on improving the understanding and forecasting of the weather and regional climate predictions in the coastal margins of North America. Many of coastal phenomena, such as severe convective storms, tropical cyclones, precipitation within winter storms, land/sea breeze circulations, orographic flows and precipitation, and marine clouds/fog in a marine environment are challenging to forecast.  These phenomena are investigated using conventional data, field study observations, atmospheric (Weather Research and Forecasting) ensembles and higher resolution runs down to large-eddy scales (~100 m), as well as the latest data assimilation (EnKF) approaches. We utilize CMIP5, statistical models, and down-scaled WRF runs to determine how extreme weather will change in a future climate.

Recent news

  • News about latest CSTAR grant.
  • September 2022: The group was awarded two new grants from NOAA: a CSTAR project “Improving Communication With Highly Vulnerable Societal Groups Through Partnerships, Audience Analysis, Crowd-Sourced Information, and Workshops and a JTTI project “Implementation of an Ensemble Sensitivity Tool to Better Assess Uncertainty in Mid-Latitude Extreme Weather Forecasts”
  • Welcome new graduate student members (Christopher Fragano from W. Conn — Fall 2021; and Erin Leghart from U Albany — Fall 2020).
  • “Interviews by Accuweather and News12 about involvement with the NASA IMPACTS project.
  • COMAP has beeen involved in the NASA IMPACTS project this in Jan-Feb 2020 and 2022 studying precipitation within winter storms. Phillip Yeh, Erin Leghart, Benjamin Kiel, and Nicholas Leonardo were forecasters at Wallops, VA, and Brian Colle served as mission scientist and NASA P3 flight scientist.
  • Congratulations to Nicholas Leonardo for completing his PhD in August 2019. He is now a post-doctoral associate within the COMAP group.
  • Check out the SBU-WRF, a real-time two-member WRF ensemble developed and maintained by the COMAP Group.
COMAP Group Photo 2023
COMAP Group Photo 2022

COMAP Group Photo 2019

COMAP Group Photo 2018

COMAP Group Photo 2017

COMAP Group Photo 2016

COMAP Group Photo 2015

COMAP Group Photo 2014

COMAP Group Photo 2013

COMAP Group Photo 2012

COMAP Group Photo 2011

COMAP Group Photo 2010

Some Recent Conferences

101th AMS Conference on Mesoscale Processes Across Scales: Engaging with Communities in the Physical and Social Sciences-Mesoscale Symposium: Mesoscale-Microscale Interactions, 10-15 Jan 2021, VIRTUAL

AMS 30th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting / 26th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 12-16 Jan 2020, Boston MA

20th Northeast Regional Operational Workshop, 6-7 November 2019, Albany, NY