Submissions Guidelines
Crisis and Catharsis is a humanities-based blog run by History students at SUNY Stony Brook.
We want to help you share work you care about, and are open to a wide range of disciplines, subject areas, and time periods. Group projects can also be submitted.
Who We Publish
Crisis and Catharsis encourages submissions from a range of contributors. From professional scholars and students, to librarians and independent scholars.
How to Submit
If you are interested in contributing, please contact Christopher[dot]Pascale[at]stonybrook[dot]edu.
In the subject of your email, write Crisis and Catharsis Submission, attach your:
- Podcast
- Blog Entry (No length limits. Check out this informally written piece to see something very short, but also interesting)
- Visual Entries (videos, cartoons, digital exhibits)
In the body, please include:
- Summary of your topic
- A short bio, or a link to a bio you have online
If you do not hear back after 2 weeks, please follow-up.