Story Telling – Taylor Swift “Love Story”

Love Story is about a girl who fell in love with a boy whom she first saw in the past at an evening party from a balcony. She goes on to narrate that the boy made his way through the crowd towards her to meet her and in the beginning, her father disapproved of their relationship. Her father sent him away and she cried out, wanting him to come back. The main chorus is about her wanting to escape somewhere with the boy so they can have time to themselves in a sort of fairy-tale fashion. She mentions that she was a scarlet letter so that meant she was under-aged at the time they met. Some time passes and she comes across him again outside of town, and he proposes to her once she has come of age and he received permission from her father.

The beginning acoustic guitar gives the song a gentle, “summer love” tone that plays quite well with the lyrics that introduce the Romeo and Juliet. When the song gets to the chorus, the sudden addition of the drums and guitar gave the impression that Juliet was passionate about Romeo and that she desired to spend time with him, against her father’s wishes. The musical break towards the end gives off the sense of the passage of time, and plays along with the lyrics that follow that stated that she “got tired of waiting”.

Taylor Swift from back then had a very country romance type of vibe to all her songs. She definitely was not as pop focused as she is now. This song is autobiographical because Taylor was in a similar situation as Romeo and Juliet in the sense that she introduced a boy she liked to her friends and family, only to find that he was not liked by them. The only people who wanted them to be together were themselves.

If you are into country, then this song is definitely a recommendation. And even if you aren’t into country, this song is not bad at all to listen to once in a while. It’s a song that I can see many teenagers and younger children to enjoy because of it’s fairy tale elements, but of course adults are free to enjoy it just as much. It’s a lovely song to listen to when you’re in love. This song has potential to stick with people throughout the generations, but only if Taylor Swift continues to be a common household name.

Works Cited:

Swift, Taylor. Love Story. Taylor Swift. Nathan Chapman, Taylor Swift, 2008. CD.


2 thoughts on “Story Telling – Taylor Swift “Love Story”


    I used to jam to this song in the seventh grade! The imagery in this song is reminiscent of summer and first loves. I think both the young and old can appreciate this song- adults can relate if they have ever experienced a time where their family hasn’t approved of a relationship.


      Yes even those of us who are “older than dirt” can appreciate a good Romeo and Juliet story! It’s been done before, certainly, but hat’s off to Taylor for doing it well…


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