This is a complete list of manuscripts that are either published or in review. For a thematic explanation of these manuscripts, and for manuscripts in prep, see the Research page.
In review
- Dolatian, Hossep and Eric Raimy (in review) “Evaluating Precedence-Based Phonology: Logical structure of reduplication and linearization” [paper]
In limbo/prep
- Dolatian, Hossep, Afsheen Sharfizadeh, and Bert Vaux (in prep) “Non-adjacency in the phonosyntax of Iranian Armenian”. [paper]
- Afsheen Sharifzadeh, Hossep Dolatian, and Jonathan North Washington (2024) ” Prenominal relative clauses in Northern Tajik Persian: Analytic to synthetic morphology and a new contact perspective.” Proceedings of the Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic 9. [paper, poster]
- Dolatian, Hossep (2024) ” Adjarian’s Armenian dialectology (1911): Translation and commentary”. In Languages of the Caucasus. Berlin: Language Science Press. [book, pdf, slides]
- Guekguezian, Peter and Hossep Dolatian (2024) “Distributing theme vowels across roots, verbalizers, and voice in Western Armenian verbs”. Proceedings of the 39th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 313–321. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. [paper, poster]
- Neda Taherkhani and Hossep Dolatian (2024) “Valency-conditioned allomorphy in the verbal agreement of the Takestani dialect of Southern Tati.” 123: 29-64. Transactions of the Philological Society. [link, preprint, slides]
- Chakmakjian, Samuel, Hossep Dolatian, and Stavros Skopeteas (2024) “Word stress and prosodic events in Eastern Armenian”. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024, 1170-1174, [poster, paper, link]
- Malajyan Arthur, Victoria Khurshudyan, Karen Avetisyan, Hossep Dolatian, and Damien Nouvel. 2024. Bi-dialectal ASR of Armenian from Naturalistic and Read Speech. In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages @ LREC-COLING 2024, pages 227–236, Torino, Italia. ELRA and ICCL. [paper, slides]
- Dolatian, Hossep & Tom Meadows. 2023. Prosodically-conditioned relative clause extraposition in Armenian. Proceedings of the Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic 8. 44–58. [paper, slides]
- Hovhannisyan, Hasmik & Hossep Dolatian. 2023. Simplification principles and child language development in Armenian. Proceedings of the Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic 8. 226–240. [paper, poster]
- Dolatian, Hossep, Afsheen Sharfizadeh, and Bert Vaux (2023) “A grammar of Iranian Armenian: Parksahay or Iranahayeren”. In Languages of the Caucasus. Berlin: Language Science Press. [link, slide set]
- Dolatian, Hossep and Peter Guekguezian (2023) “Relativized locality: Phases and tiers in long-distance allomorphy in Armenia”. Linguistic Inquiry. 54 (3): 505–545. [preprint]
- Dolatian, Hossep (2023) “Cyclic residues of affix deletion in Armenian passive stems”. In Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. [paper, slides]
- Dolatian, Hossep (2023) “Isomorphism between orthography and underlying forms in the syllabification of the Armenian schwa.” In Phonological Data and Analysis, 5(4), 1–48. [slides]
- Dolatian, Hossep (2023) ”Fluctuations in allomorphy domains: Applying Stump 2010 to Armenian ordinal numerals”. Journal of Linguistics. [preprint]
- Rawski, Jon, Hossep Dolatian, Jeff Heinz, and Eric Raimy (2023) “Regular and polyregular theories of reduplication”, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 8(1).
- Seyfarth, Scott, Hossep Dolatian, Peter Guekguezian, Niamh Kelly, and Tabita Toparlak. 2023. “Armenian (Standard Eastern and Standard Western)”. Illustrations of the IPA. DOI: 10.1017/S0025100323000130 [paper]
- Toparlak, Tabita & Hossep Dolatian. 2023. Aerodynamics and articulation of word-final ejectives in Eastern Armenian. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 3246–3251. Guarant International. [poster, paper]
- Dolatian, Hossep (2022) “Output-conditioned and non-local allomorphy in Armenian theme vowels“. The Linguistic Review. [preprint, slides]
- Dolatian, Hossep (2022) “An apparent case of outwardly-sensitive allomorphy in the Armenian definite”. In Glossa: A journal of general linguistics. [slides]
- Dolatian, Hossep and Peter Guekguezian (2022) “Derivational timing of morphomes: Canonicity and rule ordering in the Armenian aorist stem”. In Morphology 32, 317–357. [preprint]
- Dolatian, Hossep (2022) “Interface constraints for nuclear stress assignment under broad focus in Western Armenian vs. Turkish and Persian”. In Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Central Asian Languages and Linguistics (ConCALL-4) (ed. Öner Özçelik and Amber Kennedy), page 59-80 [poster, paper, link]
- Dolatian, Hossep (2022) “Variation in a bracketing paradox: A case study in Armenian compounds”. In Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Central Asian Languages and Linguistics (ConCALL-4) (ed. Öner Özçelik and Amber Kennedy), page 95-108 [paper, link]
- Dolatian, Hossep, Shiori Ikawa, and Thomas Graf (2022) “Trees probe deeper than strings: an argument from allomorphy”. In Proceedings of the 19th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, pages 51–60. [slides]
- Dolatian, Hossep, Daniel Swanson, and Jonathan Washington (2022) “A Free/Open-Source Morphological Transducer for Western Armenian”. In Proceedings of The Workshop on Processing Language Variation: Digital Armenian (DigitAm) within the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. [pdf, slides, repo]
- Toparlak, Tabita and Hossep Dolatian (2022) “Intonation and focus marking in Western Armenian”. In Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Central Asian Languages and Linguistics (ConCALL-4) (ed. Öner Özçelik and Amber Kennedy), page 81-94 [poster, paper, link]
- Vu, Mai Ha Aniello De Santo, and Hossep Dolatian (2022) “Logical Transductions for the Typology of Ditransitive Prosody”. In Proceedings of the 19th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, pages 29–38. [slides]
- Athanasopoulou, Angeliki, Irene Vogel, and Hossep Dolatian (2021) “Acoustic properties of word and phrasal prominence in Uzbek.” Proceedings of the Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic. Vol. 5. No. 1.
- Dolatian, Hossep (2021) “Cyclicity and prosodic misalignment in Armenian stems. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 39, 843–886 (2021). [preprint]
- Dolatian, Hossep (2021) “The role of heads and cyclicity in bracketing paradoxes in Armenian compounds.” Morphology 31, 1–43. [preprint, slides]
- Dolatian, Hossep, Aniello De Santo, and Thomas Graf (2021) “Recursive prosody is not finite-state” In Proceedings of the 18th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, vol. 8. 2020.
- Dolatian, Hossep, Jonathan Rawski, and Jeffrey Heinz (2021) “Strong Generative Capacity of Morphological Processes,” Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics: Vol. 4 , Article 22. [slides]
- Dolatian, Hossep, Nate Koser, Jonathan Rawski, and Kristina Strother-Garcia (2021) “Computational Restrictions on Interative Prosodic Processes.” In Proceedings of the Annual Meetings on Phonology, vol. 9. [poster]
- Karakaş, Ayla, Hossep Dolatian, and Peter Guekguezian (2021) “Effects of zero morphology on syncretism and allomorphy in Western Armenian verbs”. Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic (TU+6). [slides]
- Andersson, Samuel, Hossep Dolatian, and Yiding Hao (2020) “Computing vowel harmony: The generative capacity of search & copy.” In Proceedings of the Annual Meetings on Phonology, vol. 8. 2020. [poster]
- Bezrukov, Nikita and Hossep Dolatian (2020) “Mobile Affixes Across Western Armenian: Conflicts Across Modules,” University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: Vol. 26 : Iss. 1 , Article 6. [paper, link, slides]
- Dolatian, Hossep (2020) “Computational locality of cyclic phonology in Armenian.” PhD diss., State University of New York at Stony Brook [diss]
- Dolatian, Hossep, Anaïd Donabédian-Demopoulos, Katherine Hodgson & Victoria Khurshudyan. 2020. Armenian. In Christiane Bulut, Anaïd Donabédian-Demopoulos, Geoffrey Haig, Geoffrey Khan, Pollet Samvelian, Stavros Skopeteas & Nina Sumbatova (eds.), Glottothèque: Languages of the Anatolia-Caucasus-Iran-Mesopotamia online, Bamberg, Cambridge, Göttingen, Moskow, Nicosia, Paris: LACIM.
- Dolatian, Hossep and Jeffrey Heinz (2020). “Computing and classifying reduplication with 2-way finite-state transducers.” Journal of Language Modelling, 8(1), 179–250.
- Dolatian, Hossep and Jonathan Rawski (2020) “Multi-Input Strictly Local Functions for Templatic Morphology,” Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics: Vol. 3 , Article 28. [paper, link, slides]
- Dolatian, Hossep and Rawski, Jonathan (2020) “Finite-State Locality in Semitic Root-and-Pattern Morphology,” University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: Vol. 26 : Iss. 1 , Article 10. [paper, link, slides]
- Nelson, Max, Hossep Dolatian, Jonathan Rawski, and Brandon Prickett (2020) “Probing RNN Encoder-Decoder Generalization of Subregular Functions using Reduplication,” Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics: Vol. 3 , Article 5. [paper, link, slides]
- Rawski, Jonathan and Hossep Dolatian (2020) “Multi-Input Strict Local Functions for Tonal Phonology,” Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics: Vol. 3 , Article 25. [paper, link, poster]
- Dolatian, Hossep (2019) “Cyclicity and prosody in Armenian stress-assignment.” University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: Vol. 25 : Iss. 1 , Article 10. [paper, link, slides]
- Dolatian, Hossep and Jeffrey Heinz (2019) “Learning reduplication with 2-way finite-state transducers.” Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Grammatical Inference 2018, PMLR 93:67-80, 2019. [paper, link, slides]
- Dolatian, Hossep and Jeffrey Heinz (2019) “RedTyp: A Database of Reduplication with Computational Models,” Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics: Vol. 2 , Article 3. [slides]
- Dolatian, Hossep (2018) “Armenian stress: A case for (prosodic) stems.” Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 39-53. Chicago Linguistic Society, 2017 [paper, slides]
- Dolatian, Hossep and Jeffrey Heinz (2018) “Modeling reduplication with 2-way finite-state transducers.” Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology (pp. 66-77). [poster]
- Athanasopoulou, Angeliki, Irene Vogel, and Hossep Dolatian (2017) “Acoustic Properties of Canonical and Non-Canonical Stress in French, Turkish, Armenian and Brazilian Portuguese.” In INTERSPEECH, pp. 1398-1402. [paper]
- Dolatian, Hossep and Jeffrey Heinz (2017). “Reduplication with finite-state technology.” Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 55-69. Chicago Linguistic Society, 2017 [paper, slides]
Citable software or datasets
- Chakmakjian, Samuel and Hossep Dolatian (2022) “Speech corpus of Armenian question-answer dialogues.” [repo]
- Dolatian, Hossep, Daniel Swanson, and Jonathan Washington (2022) “A Free/Open-Source Morphological Transducer for Western Armenian”. [paper link, repo]
- Boyacioglu, Nisan and Hossep Dolatian (2020) “Armenian Verbs: Paradigms and verb lists of Western Armenian conjugation classes” (v.1.0.0). Zenodo. [repo, link]