Very seldom, I do research on subjects outside of Armenian or computational linguistics.
Acoustics of promience in Uzbek
Similar to my work on Armenian, I collaborated with Dr. Irene Vogel‘s Prosodic Typologies lab in order to document the acoustics of stress and focus in Uzbek
- TU publication (pdf, link)
Athanasopoulou, Angeliki, Irene Vogel, and Hossep Dolatian (2021) “Acoustic properties of word and phrasal prominence in Uzbek.” Proceedings of the Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic. Vol. 5. No. 1.
Long-distance allomorphy in Southern Tati verbal agreement
With Neda Taherkhani, I look at how agreement markers in Southern Tati verbs are conditioned by the valency or transitivity of the verb. Over an item-and-arrangement or piece-based model, we see that the trigger for allomorphy (the root) is not adjacent to the target of allomorphy (the agreement suffix), but can be pretty far away