Our research projects featured in Science et Vie Junior

Previous and current research projects have been featured in the Magazine Science et Vie Junior in France

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An article entitled “spellbound by a wasp” presents our recent discovery of the underlying mechanisms used by the parasitoid wasp Dinocampus coccinellae to induce the Bodyguard behavior of ladybeetles: parasited individuals are forced to stay on top of the parasitoid cocoon and protect it from predators.

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The original research article is
Dheilly NM, Maure F, Ravallec M, Galinier R, Doyon J, Duval D, Leger L, Volkoff A-N, Misse D, Nidelet S, Demolomb V, Brodeur J, Gourbal B, Thomas F, Mitta G. 2015 Who is the puppet master? Replication of a parasitic wasp-associated virus correlates with host behavior manipulation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences 282(1803)
and it can be found following this  Link

A second article entitled “nightmare in Alaska” discuss our current project investigating the mechanisms responsible for various behavioral changes in Threespine sticklebacks infected by the cestode parasite Schistocephalus solidus. To improve its transmission to the next host, the parasite induces multiple physiological changes in its host, including an increased buoyancy and a change in coloration: the fish turn white and swim on top of the water, which increases the predation by fish eating birds.

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