Mouth 2

Hello and welcome to Ms. Lavin’s Public Speaking course! This site is intended for learners who have little to no training in creating and presenting speeches and presentations to the public, particularly high school students enrolled in a Public Speaking course.

It is my intention that this particular lesson will enable students to experiment with and evaluate different presentation softwares to give them options to use for their future endeavors in presenting information to an audience.  They will  also practice using the software to create effective visuals for an example presentation.  The culminating activity for the course will be students creating and presenting their own speech with visuals, so this would be one of the step towards that goal.

Students will have already completed the a lesson on forming speeches and will have most of their speech outlined by this point.  They can then start working on creating the visuals to match.  Once this step is complete, students would move on to the next lesson in the unit.